Monday, July 2, 2012

Cleveland Museum of Art

On the same trip where we did THIS and THIS, we also visited the Cleveland Museum of Art. Our decision to visit was made easy because it is FREE! Yes!  They house a very well-rounded collection that includes a huge room of knight armor.  I'll just post some of my favorite works and then point you to the full set of photos HERE
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland Museum of Art
Picasso, Harlequin with Violin

Cleveland Museum of Art
van Gogh, Poplars at Saint-Remy
I love van Gogh's heavy use of paint and the lines it creates.

Cleveland Museum of Art
The Thinker

Cleveland Museum of Art
A Really Old Sugar Shaker
This little thing was my favorite find in the museum. I wanted to take it home with me, but I think they frown upon breaking the glass cases.

Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland Museum of Art
This sculpture is made of wood. Amazing!

Cleveland Museum of Art

I highly recommend this museum. It took us about 3 hours to get through it, but we could have easily spent another 1-2 hours. 

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