I made this bag for my sister-in-law's birthday and am extremely happy with the result. It's incredibly beautiful and sturdy. I even bought my first even feed walking foot so that I could somewhat quilt certain sections of the bag. It's not traditionally quilted, but I needed the extra stitches to hold the bag together nicely. I didn't realize how much thread I would use while doing this...I ran out twice! Next time, I will get 3 spools of thread instead of 1!!!
The bag has a large zippered section on the outside back of the bag, two pockets on the outside front (under the flap) and two pockets on the inside. It has a flap that has two magnetic snaps to keep the bag closed. It also has an adjustable strap which is nylon webbing covered with fabric. The entire thing has a layer of fleece interfacing as well as heavy duty stabilizer.
The fabric is from Amy Butler, one of my favorite designers. Did you know that Amy Butler has decorator solids also? Well, I used some of the Leaf color!
I am excited to share the photos with everyone as I believe that this might be the best thing I've ever made. The only thing I would change is that I would not line up both sets of interior pockets together as it creates way too many layers of fabric/fleece/stabilizer and was really difficult to sew through. Yep, I broke two needles.
I Love It!
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely amazing. Do you sell the pattern?
ReplyDeleteThe pattern is derived from a commercial pattern and I really just made it up as I went along! I'm glad you like it!